Ecosystem Stakeholders

The SmartPlaces ecosystem encompasses various stakeholders, including individual users, land plot holders, data consumers, and partners.

  • Individual users, referred to as SmartPlaces app users, aim to connect with others, explore their immediate environment, take control of their data, and benefit from the values generated by users’ engagement and activities.

  • NFT land plot holders, also referred to as Pioneers, contribute to the ecosystem by inviting users to the platform, adding businesses and partners, or promoting their virtual land plots to attract users to real-world venues.

  • Data consumers pay for datasets shared by users in land plots to improve their business strategies. Geolocation-specific data holds greater value as it pertains to specific, small geographic areas, enabling targeted outreach to individuals in their immediate vicinity and increasing the likelihood of getting through to users successfully. Data consumers utilize the data shared for advertising, machine learning, or AI analysis.

  • Partners, including local businesses, municipalities as well as educational and social institutions, have the option to utilize data or display advertisements. They enrich the ecosystem by highlighting current events or specific locations, enabling users to access discounts or rewards upon visiting their venues. Additionally, partners can encourage foot traffic and influence user behavior by organizing activities such as Easter egg hunts or distributing tokens or assets, including NFTs.

Last updated